Who lives down Cloverfield Lane?

Now this post will be super short. 10 Cloverfield Lane is probably best watched without knowing much at all about the movie itself so I try not to go to specifics here. In fact I really will not go into detail at all. What you see below is one cast member and that’s about all you get.

10 Cloverfield Lane

What you do need to know is that this film seems to divide viewers and not everyone likes this film. And since we can see her in the picture above, I will also add that Mary Elizabeth Winstead does a great job (as does the rest of the main cast).

It’s also probably safe to say a word or two about the director, Dan Trachtenberg. He has since then directed one of the better episodes of the scifi television series Black Mirror. But considering this is his only proper movie credit as a director, he’s really done a great job and we’ll probably hear from him again.

Since I’m avoiding talking about the movie, should also add that Mary Elizabeth Winstead is in another great television series, Fargo, later on this year. Personally I thought the first season was better than second, so I’m fairly anxious to see if third season turns out any good (or better).

Acting is great throughout, the atmosphere is perfect for this type of film, cinematography is ok. One thing I’m not sure about is the name of the movie, I’m not sure it’s the best choice, but I have also read about the process behind it, so I guess it made sense at the time. The movie was produced by J.J. Abrams and I suppose he had something to do with it.

And if you absolute must, then keep going but really, it’s best you just watch the film.

Watch 10 Cloverfield Lane trailer below