If you don’t like Will Smith, look away now… But I think he’s ok usually. I liked The Pursuit of Happyness. And the one where he is the last man on earth or something. With the Zombi-like Vampire-dog type monsters. And Pursuit of Happyness is also from the same director, Gabriele Muccino. So I guess he works well together with Will Smith. Perhaps Will can’t do a wide variety of circus tricks but he can act a bit. I expected Seven Pounds to be good and personally I did like it a lot. And I was able to take in the ending a bit better than that of The Titanic. If you haven’t seen Titanic, maybe it’s worth checking out the bit where they sink the boat. The rest you can skip. Unless you like seeing a bit more of Kate Winslet, in which case you should fast forward to the relevant bits and try not to listen to the dialogue too much. But then again, lots of people appeared to like that film too.
Back to Seven Pounds, while Will Smith perhaps performs on an average scale, Woody Harrelson does a good job in his little role, Rosario Dawson is ok, and she looks good too. Otherwise a lot of things are mostly average. Gabriele Muccino has spiced up things a bit with the structure of the film – a bit like 21 Grams… 21 grams is a lot less than 7 pounds, is it not? Seven pounds is a lot easier to figure out and follow, and there aren’t any big mysteries to solve or surprises to follow. But it’s ok, it’s light enough, and enjoyable enough. But if you haven’t seen 21 Grams, maybe you should see that one. It’s a bit more in every way. And even if you have seen it, I’m pretty sure you’ll agree you should see it again.
Please don’t get me wrong, I did like it and it’s a touching film. There are reviews saying you should avoid it like your life, but you can’t please everyone… It’s becoming a regular saying of mine, but go and see for yourself.