Let the wild rumpus start!

Like most good movies for children, this is also for adults. Have you ever longed to those care free days of childhood? I bet you have and I also bet you have sometimes wished you could still imagine all those places and things you played within your imagination when you were a child. Well worry no more, because Spike did the job for you – well actually Maurice Sendak did, but Jonze beautifully realized it on the silver screen. And that’s enough of Sendaks original picture book, because I don’t remember if I ever red it. I remember the wild things but that’s it. So this is a brand new story for me.

This one might cause some hiccups to follow through and I have a feeling it’s because it really doesn’t have a straightforward structure. But what did you expect from Spike. Though I think it is he’s most straightforward movie, it still isn’t plain “story of crowing up” nor doe’s it have great character development or  some arc that starts from somewhere and and up in another through obstacles and realizations. Its characters are portrayed in child’s perspective, their logics are more or less child’s logic and things that happen are portrayed in a way that they are seen through the mind of a child. But don’t get scared. Grownups will also have things for them, and you shouldn’t be afraid to jump in to a viewing point of a child. It starts from a certain setup and ends up in pretty much the same. And I think telling you that really isn’t spoiling it. Lot’s of things and emotions happen during the film.

And again we are beautifully reminded that CGI isn’t a necessity when you are dealing with things of imagination. The creatures are amazingly real and create true emotions. Music is a treat for those ones of you who like the softer independent side off of the mainstream. I liked it. At least it keeps the movie more in the right mood than blazing orchestra would have done.

What did we learn from here? Well I think at least some things about friendship, being a king, forgiveness, anger, love, imagination, playing it too rough, holes in the trees and other important things.  What it got me thinking is that we should remember that child is just a child, we shouldn’t expect our children to be ready for this world before they’ve seen enough of it.

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